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About stripes and puppies

A striped white and red carpet; a striped blue and white curtain; retro yellow tiles; a puppy… what’s not to love in this picture?

Hera, the cutie with the red collar, is so absorbed by Gely’ s cooking, that she can watch her for hours moving inside the kitchen preparing lunch. She enjoys sniffing the air searching for food aromas and all this cooking action makes her feel playful and happy…

My cat also likes to watch me when I am cooking. Although she is scared of the blender noise, -and the hair dryer / vacuum cleaner noise; but that’s another story to tell- she usually stands outside the kitchen door and turns her head right and left as I move, like she’s watching a tennis mach. I do enjoy her company when I cook: she is always cool and non-judgmental. She won’t give me the –you put too much salt in the soup- comment, nor the –are you sure you want to fry that- comment… She just makes me feel relaxed, therefore more creative.

What about you? Do you allow your pets in the kitchen when you cook? For them it’ s a feast; a combination of their favorite things: action, food, you… but how do you feel about it?


words by maria alipranti

photography by christos drazos