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When days are getting smaller

there’s nothing like a good autumn story


We love autumn stories, as much as we love Aegean Octobers: it’s the month with the most impressive daybreak colors. You wake up to see a golden-pink sky, that reflects on the wet sand and makes it look like a mirror. Rain here smells the same as the sea; then, it mixes with the smell of soil and gives you quite an earthy feel.

The grape harvesting is over and people are getting ready for the “cauldrons” period of souma distillation. It’s hard work, but it’s also a feast and a welcome to the forthcoming winter. The plowing and the sowing of the fields, the planting of winter vegetables are all part of a familiar reality.

The island soundscape is completely different now that the summer is over. You can hear the wind, the rain touching the leaves, the seagulls and the bell of the school ringing again. But most of the hours of the day, you can hear the sound of silence. There is sweetness and quietness in Aegean fall.


photography by christos drazos

words by maria alipranti