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What is it with designers and old lace?

From the “Traditional lace in stainless steel” tables by Roel van Hove and Ulrike Jurklies,
to the “Lace Fence” by Demaersvan and the wonderfull Sanctuaire soap of the Fringe Alchemy collection,
old lace is always contemporary.

Here in Greece, we love genuine lace tablecloths.
Hand made lace, our grandmother’s pride, used to be a ‘must’ decoration trend to place on top of TV sets, serving trays, bookcases, tables, sofas, you name it.
Thank God these days are over!
On the other hand, sometimes I miss the appearance of an occasional handmade lace tablecloth and the presence of an old school-grandmother.

As a tribute to them, I try to recreate their homely and loving energy,
by exhibiting the beauty of  lace tablecloths as part of an everyday table setting.
The rays of light on my rustic table, the discreet shine of spoons and plates,
the smell of fresh cooked pasta with soya sauce on a lace tablecloth that has a story to tell, all these things take me to a place were I feel happy,
both as a designer and as a proud granddaughter!

Living on an island somewhere in the Aegean Sea,

is like living on a star; it’s the strange feeling of being
part of a constellation, yet disconnected at the same time..

It’s this Sea that sets us free, and it’s this Sea that draws our limits..

Our islands swim through a golden light.
I think that’s the reason why people here are so warm, gentle and creative.
Their creativity and love for life is shown
through the colours of their boats, their flowers in their yards,
their amazing cooking and their storytelling..

Aegean Pan, is the pan where all these things are made,
including new stories for you to discover!